The CIRED Workshop 2018 will take place in Ljubljiana (SI) on 7-8 June, 2018, and focus on “Microgrids and local energy communities” and their impact on distribution system development.

Microgrids and local energy communities can have a tremendous impact on distribution system development, and may offer a number of important advantages for the end-users and for the utilities. The workshop will address electricity distribution systems containing loads and distributed energy resources that can be operated in a controlled environment such as:

  • Isolated microgrids
  • Embedded microgrids
  • Local energy communities

The CIRED Workshop is now opening a call for papers! Contributions are possible for one of the following three workshop themes:

    • Business models, roles, responsibilities and regulatory aspects:

topics related to the overall regulatory, business and organisational frameworks for microgrid implementation and operation, focusing mainly on the roles of the microgrid operators and DSOs in making microgrids an integrated part of the electricity distribution system of the future.

    • Architecture and system development:

In the domain of microgrids and local energy communities, robust architectures are necessary in order to foster system development, as well as suitable models to compare development options.

    • Network integration, control concepts and operations:

contributions related to technical microgrid integration methods and solutions, as well as field trial results, tests and standards.

Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract of 2 A4 pages (including diagrams and illustrations) by December 15, 2017, directly via the Workshop website.

For more information and to submit your paper please visit

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CIRED Workshop 2018: Call for Papers on Microgrids and Local Energy Communities
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