Common publications during the EC Network of Excellence DERlab 2008 – 2011.
Title | Authors | Place of the publication | Affiliation | |
Reliability model for relay protection system | D. Bogdanov1, V. Terzija2 | PAC world Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2011 | 1TU Sofia, 2University of Manchester | |
Experience in microgrid operation | R. Pawelek1, R. Mienski1, A. Krusteva2 | 6th International Conference on Power Systems, Control, Quality and Efficiency of Utilisation, Blagoveschensk, Russia, 2011 | 1TU Lodz, 2TU Sofia | |
Steady state analysis of networks with distributed energy resources | R. Stanev1, A. Krusteva1, P. Nakov1, B. Bletterie2, P. Romanos3 | II Research conference of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Sofia – EF2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria | 1TU Sofia, 2AIT, 3NTUA | |
Smartgrid’s testing facilities in European Laboratories | D. Coll-Mayor1, E. Rodriguez2, E. Zabala2, R. Bründlinger3, E. Lemaire4, A. Notholt5 | SmartGrids and E-Mobility Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 2010 | 1DERlab e.V., 2TECNALIA, 3AIT, 4CEA-INES, 5Fraunhofer IWES | |
Assessment of production capability of the first wind farm in Poland | R. Pawelek1, R. Mienski1, B. Terlecki1, A. Krusteva2, P. Nakov2 | International Seminar “Problems of electrical power engineering”, Lodz, Poland, 2010 | 1TU Lodz, 2TU Sofia | |
Bringing together international research on High Penetration PV in Electricity Grids. The new Task 14 of the IEAPhotovoltaic Power Systems Programme | R. Bründlinger1, C. Mayr1, H. Fechner1, M. Braun2, K. Ogimoto3, B. Kroposki4, G. Graditi6, I. F. MacGill7, D. Turcotte8, L. Perret9 | 25th European PVSEC, Valencia, Spain, 2010 | 1AIT, 2Fraunhofer IWES, 3University of Tokyo, 4NREL, 5EnergiMidt, 6ENEA, 7CEEM Australia, 8Natural Resources Canada, 9Planair | |
Technical and commercial standardisation of DER/microgrid components | J. Oyarzabal, N. Ruiz1, N. Hatziargyriou et. al.2 | for CIGRÉ Working Group C6.10 (ISBN: 978-2-85873-111-4), 2010 | 1TECNALIA, 2NTUA | |
Illustration of Modern Wind Turbine Ancillary Services | N. Hatziargyriou1, I. Margaris1, A. Hansen2, P. Sørensen2 | Energies 2010, ISSN: 1996-1073 | 1NTUA, 2RISOE | |
DERlab round-robin testing of photovoltaic single-phase inverters | O. Perego1, P. Mora1, C. Tornelli1, T. Degner2, W. Heckmann 2 | Photovoltaics international, Quarterly Technical Journal, ISSN: 1857-7797, May 2010 | 1RSE, 2Fraunhofer IWES | |
Analysis of Test Procedures For PV Inverter Performed In The DERab Testing Activities | O. Perego1, P. Mora1, N. Hinov2, T. Hristov2, A. Krusteva2, G. Romanovsky3, D. Geibel 4 | Elektronika 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria | 1RSE, 2TU Sofia, 3University of Manchester, 4Fraunhofer IWES | |
Dynamic security issues of autonomous power systems with increasing wind power penetration | N. Hatziargyriou1, I. Margaris1, A. Hansen2, N. Cutululis2, P. Sørensen2 | EWEC 2010, Warsaw, Poland | 1NTUA, 2RISOE | |
Characterizing the Overall Performance of Grid-connected PV power converters with the new European Standard EN 50350 | R. Bründlinger1, N. Henze2, H. Häberlin2, B. Burger2, A. Bergmann2, F. Baumgartner2 | 19th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference and Exhibition, ICC Jeju, Korea, 2009 | 1AIT, 2Fraunhofer IWES | |
Improvement of Power Quality and Reliability with Multifunctional PV-Inverters in Distributed Energy Systems | D. Geibel1, T. Degner1, M. Antchev2, A. Krusteva2, C.Hardt3 | 10th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation EPQU’09, Lodz, Poland | 1Fraunhofer IWES, 2TU Sofia, 3SMA Solar Technology AG | |
Inverter interconnection tests performed in the LABEIN-Tecnalia microgrid involved in the DERlab round-robin testing activity | A. Gil de Muro1, J. E. Rodriguez1, E. Zabala1, C. Mayr2, R. Bründlinger2, G. Romanovsky3, O. Gehrke4, F. Isleifsson4 | 10th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation EPQU’09, Lodz, Poland | 1TECNALIA, 2AIT, 3University of Manchester, 4RISOE | |
International white book on the grid integration of static converters | P. Strauß1, T. Degner1, W. Heckmann1, I. Wasiak2, P. Gburczyk2, N. Hatziargyriou3, T. Romanos3, E. Zountouridou3, A. Dimeas3, Z. Hanzelka4 | 10th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation EPQU’09, Lodz, Poland | 1Fraunhofer IWES, 2TU Lodz, 3NTUA, 4AGH-University of Science and Technology | |
EN 50530 – The new European Standard for Performance Characterisation of PV inverters | R. Bründlinger1, N. Henze2, B. Burger2, H. Häberlin3, A. Bergmann4, F. Baumgartner5 | 24th EUPVSEC, Hamburg, Germany, 2009 | 1AIT, 2Fraunhofer IWES, 3Berne University of Applied Sciences, 4DKE Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik, 5Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften | |
PV Inverters supporting the grid – First experiences with testing and qualification according to the new grid interconnection guidelines in Germany, Austria and France | R. Bründlinger1, B. Bletterie1, G. Arnold2, T. Degner2, C. Duvauchelle3 | 24th EUPVSEC, Hamburg, Germany, 2009 | 1AIT, 2Fraunhofer IWES, 3EDF | |
PV for Smart Buildings | T. Romanos1, N. Hatziargyriou1, J. Schmid2, J. Mutale3 | 24th EUPVSEC, Hamburg, Germany, 2009 | 1NTUA. 2Fraunhofer IWES. 3University of Manchester | |
Demand Side Management in Smart Buildings | T. Romanos1, N. Hatziargyriou1, J. Schmid2 | European Conference Smart Grids and Mobility, Würzburg, Germany, 2009 | 1NTUA, 2Fraunhofer IWES | |
Grid integration issues for EVs / PHEVs: the DERlab approach | E. Lemaire1, J. Merten1, P. Nørgaard2, H. Bindner2, P. Mora3, E. Kolentini4, E. Zabala5, J. E. Rodriguez5, M. Stifter6, R. Bründlinger6, S. Tselepis7, T. Degner8, W. Heckmann 8 | European Conference Smart Grids and Mobility in Würzburg, Germany, 2009 | 1CEA-INES, 2RISOE, 3RSE, 4NTUA, 5TECNALIA, 6AIT, 7CRES, 8Fraunhofer IWES | |
Application of Active Power Filters in Distributed Energy Systems | M. Antchev1, M. Petkova1,A. Krusteva1, D. Geibel2 | ICEST’09, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria | 1TU Sofia, 2Fraunhofer IWES | |
Estimation of Voltage controllability of Distribution Systems with Locally Distributed Sources | R. Stanev1, P. Nakov1, A. Krusteva1, P. Romanos2, B. Bletterie3 | Energy Forum 2009, Varna, Bulgaria | 1TU Sofia, 2NTUA, 3AIT | |
Nachweis der elektrischen Eigenschaften von PV-Wechselrichtern gemäß den deutschen Netzanschlussrichtlinien | G. Arnold1, T. Degner1, R. Bründlinger2 | Symposium Photovoltaic Solar Energy in Staffelstein, Germany, 2009 | 1Fraunhofer IWES, 2AIT | |
Making European Interconnection Requirements Transparent – The New DEDIS Data Base from DERlab | T. Degner1, W. Heckmann1, J. E. Rodriguez2, E. Zabala2, R. Bründlinger3 | 3rd International Conference on Integration of RES and DER in Nice, France, 2008 | 1Fraunhofer IWES, 2TECNALIA, 3AIT | |
Research Facility of Technical University of Lodz – a Powerful Tool for Microgrids Analysis | R. Mienski1, R. Pawelek1, P. Gburczyk1, I. Wasiak1, T. Degner2 | 5th International Conference on Power Systems, Control, Quality and Efficiency of Utilisation in Blagoveshchensk, Russia, 2008 | 1TU Lodz, 2Fraunhofer IWES | |
DER Laboratory in Institute of Electrical Power Engineering of Technical University of Lodz | R. Mienski1, R. Pawelek1, P. Gburczyk1, I. Wasiak1, T. Degner2 | 13th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power in Wollongong, Australia, 2008 | 1TU Lodz, 2Fraunhofer IWES | |
Redefinition of the European efficiency – finding the compromise between simplicity and accuracy | B. Bletterie1, R. Bründlinger1, H. Häberlin2, F. Baumgartner3, H. Schmidt4, G. Klein4, M. A. Abella5 |
European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Valencia, Spain, 2008 | 1AIT, 2Berne University of Applied Sciences, 3Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, 4Fraunhofer IWES, 5Ciemat-Avda |
Performance Evaluation of the Gaidoroumandra Mini-Grid with Distributed PV Generators | R. Geipel1, M. Landau1, P. Strauß1, M. Vandenbergh1, S. Tselepis2 | 4th European PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grid Conference in Athens, Greece, 2008 | 1Fraunhofer IWES, 2CRES |