DERlab and its member laboratories, research institutes and companies offer testing, validation and certification of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and smart grids.
Individual components as well as complete systems can be tested according to international and national standards or certification procedures.
Further technical details of the expertise of each research institute, laboratory and company can be found in the DERlab Database of DER and Smart Grid Research Infrastructure.
DERlab and its members also offer consulting services regarding the setup and maintenance of your research infrastructure.

No. | Institute | High Voltage & High Power |
Microgrids & Distribution Network |
Power Electronics |
Power Quality & EMC |
PV Systems |
Wind Systems |
Biomass/CHP Systems |
Fuel Cell Systems |
Storage Systems |
E-Mobility |
Smart Buildings |
Cybersecurity |
HIL/Co-simulation |
Education/Training/Seminars |
You can find detailed information about DERlab members’ testing capabilities and submit a testing request in the Database of DER and Smart Grid Research Infrastructure.