18 April, 2024. Athens, Greece – The DERlab Association convened its annual General Assembly to provide updates on its advancements, review members’ laboratory capabilities, evaluate new membership requests, and deliberate on future initiatives, including international collaborations and projects within the association’s working groups. This year’s General Assembly was held in a hybrid format, allowing some members to participate online while others gathered in person at NTUA in Athens, Greece.
The association warmly welcomed Ms. Aleksandra Dordevic as the newest board member. Ms Dordevic is the manager of the Electrical Sustainable Power laboratory at TU Delft.
This year’s gathering gladly accepted the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), Democritus University of Thrace, Greece (DUTH), DNV Netherlands B.V, and Universita Degli Studi di Genova, Italy as new members of the DERlab Association.
University of South-Eastern Norway (USN):
The University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) stands as Norway’s fourth-largest university, hiring a staff of 1,900 individuals and catering to approximately 17,000 students.
Democritus University of Thrace, Greece (DUTH):
Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) ranks among Greece’s largest universities, hosting a substantial student body of around 29,000 undergraduate, graduate, and candidate PhD students. The university has garnered international acclaim for its innovative graduate programs and proactive initiatives aimed at surmounting bureaucratic and geographical challenges.
DNV Netherlands B.V:
DNV Netherlands B.V. is globally recognized as the foremost classification society and advisor in the maritime sector. Offering a wide spectrum of services, including testing, certification, and technical advisory services, DNV’s expertise extends across the energy value chain, encompassing renewables, oil and gas, and energy management.
Universita degli Studi di Genova, Italy:
Founded in 1481, the Universita degli Studi di Genova, Italy, is committed to upholding quality standards through meticulous planning, execution, monitoring, and control measures.
Finally, embracing the evolving communication landscape, our association has greenlit a fresh communication strategy with a digital-first approach. This strategic shift underscores our commitment to engaging diverse stakeholders of the energy transition through dynamic digital platforms, marking a transition from traditional print materials.