At the 7th International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources (IRED) in Niagara Falls (CA) on 24-28 October, 2016, Ron Brandl of Fraunhofer IWES won the best poster award for the poster “Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Studies for Transmission Network Stability Behaviors”.
The poster presents the prospects of Power-Hardware-in-the Loop (PHIL) systems and, in particular, two possibilities in testing and studying network stability behaviours:

  • Global network stability studies including Hardware-under-Test (HUT)
  • HUT testing for more realistic network events


This work is supported by the ERIGrid project and the DEA-Stabil project.

You can find detailed information in the poster and in the corresponding manuscript in the ERIGrid Resources.

Best poster award at IRED 2016 won by Fraunhofer IWES supported by ERIGrid project
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