The conference “Efficient and Stable Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources” (German: Zukünftige Stromnetze für erneuerbare Energien) will take place in
Berlin (DE) on 30-31 January, 2018. It will deal with questions covering a broad range of topics regarding renewable energy sources and the electricity grid, and discuss possible solutions to current and future challenges.
The key subjects of this conference will be:
- Grid equipment – decentralised feed-in, energy storage, electrical load management, etc.
- Smart grids and smart markets
- Security and quality of power supply
- Ancillary services
- Information management and communication technology
- Regulations
- Flexibility options and their utilisation
- Planning and operating under growing insecurity: new planning practices, new electrical equipment, new plant management tools
- Digitalisation
- Integration of electric mobility
- Integrated energy
Among the participants will be grid operators, power supply companies, research facilities focusing on utilisation, regulators and policy members, device manufacturers,
and many more.
For more information, please visit the conference website (German only).
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Conference “Efficient and Stable Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources” in Berlin (DE) on 30-31 January, 2018