“Pan-European Collaboration & the Role of Remote Testing in the Recovery Plan”
DERlab Activity Report 2021-2022 entitled “Pan-European Collaboration & the Role of Remote Testing in the Recovery Plan” presents the activities of DERlab and its members in the form of international networking and knowledge exchange on the topic of smart grids operation, planning and control strategies.
This Activity Report presents the activities of DERlab and its members focusing on international networking and knowledge exchange within the period 2021-2022. Furthermore, presented in the report is a selection of EU-funded and national research efforts towards increased share of DER.
Special emphasis is given to the activities of the EU Coordination and Support Action “PAN European Technology Energy Research Approach” (PANTERA), coordinated by DERlab member FOSS University of Cyprus. Despite the significant impact of the pandemic, this project is successfully building up an efficient and sustainable European platform, which brings together stakeholders active in the fields of smart grids, storage and local energy systems, including policy makers, standardization bodies and experts in both research and academia, representing the EU energy system.

The European Interconnection for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (EIRIE) Platform offers a single reference point facilitating access to information ranging from potential funding, to scientific reports and papers on various energy-related topics, to the scientific community active in the energy sector, and to potential project partners. It is an innovative platform supported by DERlab and the PANTERA project partners, addressing the needs of the European Energy R&I Community in terms of knowledge sharing and exchange, as well as of collaboration enhancement among energy stakeholders. This is foreseen as contributing to the acceleration of the energy transition.
In this report, we also present DERlab members’ latest infrastructure developments and highlights in terms of research advancements. Coping with challenges caused by the pandemic, DERlab members have developed effective remote operation and testing procedures.