The European Commission is consulting energy stakeholders on the priorities for the development of network codes and guidelines for 2018 and beyond. The European Commission has to establish in accordance with Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No. 714/2009 (“the Electricity Regulation”) and Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No. 715/2009 (“the Gas Regulation”) an annual priority list identifying the areas to be included in the development of network codes.

Target group:

Public authorities, Member States authorities, private organisations, industry associations, SMEs, consultancies, other relevant stakeholders and citizens (inside and outside of the European Union).

The consultation is open until 20 December 2017.

How to submit your response:
You are invited to reply to this public consultation by sending your input by e-mail to

Further Information



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Public Consultation on Network Codes and Guidelines for 2018
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