The Horizon 2020 project eNeuron (GreEN Energy HUbs for Local IntegRated Energy COmmunities optimisatioN), which will be starting in fall 2020, is setting off under the energy islands / energy communities’ category.
The project will be coordinated by ENEA (IT) and counts in its consortium DERlab, FOSS of University of Cyprus (CY), Tecnalia (ES) and 13 other members.
eNeuron’s main goal is to develop innovative tools for the optimal design and operation of Local Energy Communities (LEC) for use by such communities, to address the challenges springing from the energy transition objectives. These tools focus on integrating multiple energy carriers at different scales to identify the potential benefits achievable for the community and its stakeholders by adopting the Energy Hub (EH) concept.
DERlab will collaborate within eNeuron on technical activities with a focus on replicability and scalability of project achievements at European level.