In the framework of the ERIGrid project, DERlab member ICCS-NTUA is hosting a one-day workshop under the title “Advanced Power System Testing Using Hardware in the Loop simulation” on 23 November 2018 in Athens (GR). The workshop is targeting researchers and professionals in the fields of power systems and smart grids.

This workshop will demonstrate the benefits of Hardware in the Loop (HIL) simulation for power system testing, especially in today’s shift towards smart grids. It will cover a variety of aspects of modern power systems, most notably:
– HIL testing of DER inverters
– Combined Control-HIL and Power-HIL simulation of microgrid controllers
– HIL testing of adaptive protection system for distribution grids
– Islanding detection and seamless transition through operation modes in microgrids
– Virtual Power Plants supporting the grid
Furthermore, the workshop participants will have the opportunity to visit the Electric Energy Systems Laboratory of NTUA where live demonstrations of several HIL experiments will be performed.
You can find the complete agenda of the workshop here.
To register for the workshop, please contact
The attendance is free of charge.