The 8th International Conference on the Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources (IRED) 2018 presented the perfect opportunity to mark the start of an international research cluster on “Grid control for Inverter Dominated Power Systems”.
The power quality and reliability of today’s power systems is mostly based on synchronous generators.
In order to operate the future power systems securely and stably with very high shares of inverters, appropriate control algorithms and operation procedures have to be developed. Inverter systems can partially reproduce physical properties similar to those of synchronous generators. Selected new characteristics have to be implemented in grid codes and suitable testing procedures have to be developed.
In this context, the need for scientific exchange on the topic was identified and for this purpose, this workshop was organised as the Kick-off for an international research cluster for “Grid control for inverter-dominated power systems”.
The workshop took place at the Parkhotel Schönbrunn in Vienna (AT) on 17 October 2018 during the 8th International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources (IRED) 2018 and gathered more than sixty experts from Europe, North America and Asia.
This event successfully enabled very intensive discussions and fruitful scientific exchange among participants from a wide range of relevant domains, including system operators, industries, research institutes and academia, having keen interest and working on the topic of grid control for inverter-dominated power systems.
The presentations are now publicly available.
In case of questions or further interest in the topic, please contact Fabian Niedermeyer (
8:30 – 9:30 Session 1: State of the art
- Welcome/Introduction
Philipp Strauss, Fraunhofer IEE and Graeme Burt, University of Strathclyde
- Advanced Inverters in Future Power Grids
Peter Unruh, Fraunhofer IEE
- Inverter Dominated Island Power Systems
Nikos Hatziargyriou, EDSO – European Distribution System Operators’ Association, NTUA – National Technical University of Athens
- Grid Forming Inverters in Interconnected Systems
Abraham Ellis, Sandia National Laboratories
- MV Protection and quality with proactive inverter population
Tom Key, EPRI – Electrical Power Research Institute
9:30 – 11:30 Session 2: Research projects
- Stability of interconnected power systems with high shares of power electronics based generation
Sönke Rogalla, Fraunhofer ISE
- StabLe – Stability of distribution grids with storage, generation units and consumers mainly coupled through power electronics
Alexander Sauer, TU Darmstadt
- Grid Control 2.0 – Control and Stability in Inverter Dominated Interconnected Systems
Philipp Strauss and Thomas Degner, Fraunhofer IEE
- MIGRATE – Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices
Hannes Munzel, Tennet TSO
- INTERPLAN – INTEgrated opeRation PLANning tool towards the pan-European network
Maria Valenti, ENEA – Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
- ERIGrid – European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid Systems Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out
Thomas Strasser, AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology
- ENSURE – New Energy Network StructURes for the Energiewende
Thomas Leibfried, KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology