Brussels, 19 June. – The Horizon 2020 NOBEL GRID project, in which DERlab is partner, was awarded with the 4th Global Entreps Awards 2018 in the ‘Affordable and Clean Energy – Retail Market’ category by Entreps organization at the premises of the European Committee of the Regions in Brussels. Grupo ETRA (Spain), leader of the NOBEL GRID consortium, received the prize together with Ecopower (Belgium) and FINNOVA Foundation (Spain).

The ceremony took place under the framework of the #5Gcitizens International Congress, organised by Entreps –  International Board of Business Owners & Entrepreneurs, on 18-19 June at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels. These awards are entirely devoted to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030, that inspired 17 award categories this year.

NOBEL GRID, a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme with a budget of
€ 13.9M, provides advanced tools and ICT services to all actors in the Smart Grid and retail electricity market in order to create benefits from cheaper prices, more secure and stable grids and cleaner electricity. These tools and services enable active consumers’ involvement, new business models for new actors and integration of distributed renewable energy production.

NOBEL GRID project is composed of 21 partners from 11 countries and after 42 months of developments, it was completed on 30 June 2018. The project results are being demonstrated in five different electric cooperatives and non-profit demonstration sites in five EU Member States (Belgium, Greece, Italy, Spain and the UK), with the active involvement of all the energy grid actors, citizens, and based on the new business models defined during the project.

Between the 25-26 July 2018, the project will hold the final event in Valencia to present the project’s main results, findings and learnings, including an open day session in the Alginet pilot site on 25 July.



NOBEL GRID wins the 4th Global Entreps Awards 2018 ‘Affordable and Clean Energy – Retail Market’
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