In the future, artificial intelligence (AI) will control the processes of the energy system on a large scale. The new Competence Center “Kognitive Energiesysteme” (cognitive energy systems) in Kassel, powered by Fraunhofer IEE, is researching these fields of AI application. The Hessian state government (Germany) is funding the establishment of the center with a total of 5.8 million euros between 2020 and 2022.

The services of the Center for energy companies include consulting and conceptual studies, from prototypes to turnkey systems. Close connection with the energy industry is therefore part of the concept. With leading experts in data science, machine learning, recommender systems and digital innovation management, the Center is looking to acquire industry application projects in a joint research, industry and political ecosystem.
To guest scientists from all over the world the Center offers outstanding employment and collaboration opportunities. Thanks to the special training infrastructure, the appropriate hardware and software, as well as comprehensive models and databases, the Center will carry out AI research for the energy system efficiently across various locations.
Press Release (in German)
For enquiries:
André Baier
Head of Business Unit Virtual Power Plants
Fraunhofer IEE
Goethestraße 27
34119 Kassel
Tel. +49 561 7294 372